For chocolate confectionary we have three main solutions for our professional and industrial clients. Firstly, we offer over a dozen different varieties of high quality dark, milk and white couverture chocolates in block or button form across a wide range of different taste and viscosity specifications for the moulding, glazing, flavouring, enrobing, filling or decorating of solid and hollow chocolate figures, pralines, truffles and chocolate bars. Secondly, we provide a wide selection of readymade chocolate pralines and truffles, including artisan and hand-made confectionary developed by our in-house team of confectionary chefs. Our confectionary offer also includes a great number of different sized chocolate dragées, chocolate or cacao enrobed hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, candied fruits and other sweets. And finally, we act as an outsourcing partner for our private label clients, producing branded chocolate napolitans, tablets, bars, pralines and other special products. Most important of all, we are able to customize our production processes to produce almost any specific custom requirement.